Financing service:
only in Spain

De Lage Landen; DLL is a global entity of vendor finance with more than 30 billion euros in assets. Founded in 1969 and based in Eindhoven (Netherlands), DLL offers financing solutions in the sectors of agriculture, food, health, clean technology, construction, transportation, industry, reprography and technology. DLL partners with equipment manufacturers, dealers and distributors in more than 30 countries to assist its distribution channels and help develop their businesses. DLL combines customer focus with in-depth knowledge of the sector to offer sustainable solutions for the entire life cycle of assets, including retail, commercial and used equipment financing. DLL is a subsidiary in full ownership of the Rabobank group.
What documentation is necessary?
In any case, it is necessary the Request Financing, CIRBE document and proforma invoice.
In case of Autonomous:
- Last statement presented (Mod. 100), of the owner and spouse, if any.
- VAT return for the last financial (Mod. 390), and quarters of the current year, of the owner and spouse, if any.
- Unified stamped PAC application from the year in progress, if any.
- Last milk invoice and registration book, if any.
- ID of the owner and spouse, if any.
In the case of Civil Society or Community of Property:
- Last statement presented (Mod. 100), of the S.C. or C.B.
- VAT return for the last financial (Mod. 390), and quarters of the current year, of the S.C. or C.B.
- Unified stamped PAC application from the year in progress, if any.
- Last milk invoice and registration book, if any.
- Deed of Constitution and Tax Identification Card.
- ID of the members.
- Model 180.
In the case of Corporation, Limited Liability Company or similar:
- Last presented tax of the society
- VAT return for the last financial (Mod. 390), and quarters of the current year,
- Last statement presented (Mod. 100), of the partners.
- Unified stamped PAC application from the year in progress, if any.
- Last milk invoice and registration book, if any.
- Deed of Constitution and Tax Identification Card.
- ID of the partners.
- For the formalization of the contract must be sent: ID and deed of empowerment of representatives.